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photos for motivation, they never hurt anybody.. or do they?

I don’t know about you but every time I am looking for motivation, I always go straight to google and twitter. As I am a visual person, I head for the photos, and this can be either real detrimental or beneficial to my motivation. The reason? Well it depends on what results my searches load. … Continue reading

Body / F.S.I / Motivation / Uncategorized / who are we

We’re a guest!

Hello Ex-Fadders! Check out our guest posts on Amanda’s Edit Free Society Page featuring the members of SFA! “Today’s Stop Fadding Around guest post comes from S, who shares our attitude towards airbrushed celebs and the importance of healthy body image – Despite the media encompassing the glamorous side of models and celebrities, I know they can have … Continue reading


Guest Post!

We have Amanda from Edit Free Society! We love her ass-kicking attitude as she discusses some of the most controversial advertisements and  her cause goes to minimising the use of airbrushing and editing within Australian advertising. My story – Growing up, I always thought that I had to look like people on TV or in magazines. People would tell me that … Continue reading


Will The REAL Nutrition Professional please stand up?

Dieticians Association of Australia webpage


Let us say the title ‘DOCTOR’ was not  legally regulated,  WOULD YOU take medical advice from or put your health in the hands of a person that called him/herself a ‘Doctor’ if he/she had only taken a 2- 6 hr (maybe less)   class on a subject called ‘medical advice’ ??? UHH hell NO! 

So this got me thinking…How in the world are Personal Traniers with the minimum qualification of a Cert III/IV are allowed to give out nutrition advice? After I read up on the legal regulation within the Nutrition Industry practices(or lack there of) I also found out that the titles ‘Nutritionist’ ‘Dietician’ are not regulated by the Government! SO THAT MEANS ANYONE CAN CALL THEMSELVES A NUTRITION IS OR DIETICIAN!…Heck!, If the title ‘Doctor’ was not  regulated by the Government, I could take an online medical ‘short course’ (if it were offered), open up a practice down the road and treat every patient that walked in my door with a bit of Dettol and a Bandaid, because Dettol worked wonders on a graze of mine once upon a time and it worked on ‘Tom, Dick and Harry too so it should work on everyone else right?

Is it just me or does the Explosion of Personal Trainers of late, include a mixed calibre that range from the Great and the down right clueless? How is it that there is a marked difference in the Calibre of Personal trainers out there  advising their clients on their nutrtion? Don’t get me wrong there are some of you passionate, dedicated experienced PT’s out there that further their knowledge in nutrition beyond the Cert III and IV courses,  but there are also sooo many young ones who think they’ve got ‘the know’ how at 20 yo to advise others. There needs to be an industry specific assessing authority for this health and fitness industry, but until then we are left to our own guises. 

 I have been through the mill of personal trainers and the nutrition advice that I was given, was advice that worked on either the trainer themselves or their last client! And I ended up with a whole lot more serious health problems then when I had first come to them for advice. I wish I had been more aware back then, but I didn’t BECAUSE just like when I visit my specialist doctor, I DIDNT KNOW THINK I HAD TO BE!  Anyway enough ‘COULDA, WOULDA,SHOULDA’ from me.


Nutrition training of an APD compared to a Cert III,IV in Fitness


Cert II,IV


  • 1 unit out of the 10 is dedicated to a nutrition component
  • Option for course to be completed online i.e no contact hours required
  • Duration of each course is anywhere from 1-2 months
  • Do not have to undertake ongoing training and education






Imagine there was no legal accountability in the medical/pharmaceutical practice industry! 

What the doctor prescribes in medication to the patient is ingestible right? We’ll, so is the food we put in our bodies EVERY DAY! Anything we put in our stomach changes the chemical balance of our body too! So why aren’t we more vigilant about who we go to for nutrition advice?

Would you take medical advice from a ‘Doctor’ who only had 2-8 hours of some kind of medical training?
Im guessing NO…
Want to know the difference between what nutrition training a PERSONAL TRAINING course offers compared to what an APD (Accredited Practicing Dietician) has to undertake?)OH YEAH THERE’S A BIG DIFFERENCE!!!
If you want to get serious about getting a healthy diet then get serious about where you get your advice from.

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